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Hi guys,


So it's a 2003 Legacy GT with almost 177,000 km on it (110k miles).


Today I only recently discovered oil residue when i checked with my fingers underneath the engine where the intake manifold meets the engine block (on the passenger side, both cylinders). Also on the driver side, I couldn't reach underneath the cylinder closer to the front but i noticed a similar residue under the cylinder close to the firewall. The residue was dark black with a lot of dirt in it, was still oily thou.


I recently had the full timing belt kit replaced and put in new coolant+conditioner also changed the oil and oil filter. The fact that the oil i noticed was all black and not 'fresh' was kind of a relief but I'm still quite worried.


Please tell me that this can be caused by a cheap seal and not the head gasket=/


If you think it is the head gasket, what is course of action to avoid getting it replaced for as long as possible, I can't afford it right now?


I know overheating and bubbles in the coolant are biggest signs of head gasket failure and i haven't got any of those.


Thank you

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Any gasket will seep a little over time. A little dampness isn't anything to be concerned over. Purple power it and spray it down with a water hose a couple times if it bothers you.

On older engines oil residue creeps UP the intake manifold runners from the intake gasket. There's no oil in the intake manifold, just vapors from the PCV system. But over a very long period of time (5 years or more) the small amount of seepage through the gasket becomes visible. Same thing happens with head gaskets, valve cover gaskets, oil pan gaskets as well.

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