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2000 Legacy OBW - ABS - Code 51

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Looking for information on just what is meant by code 51: Abnormal Valve Relay.  Where is this part?  Is it integral into the master ABS control unit that is on top of the frame on the front right side of the car?  Can that relay be serviced?  If it is not part of the master ABS control, where is it located?  And, the most important question, how much, if I have to replace it.


And, this is to add some background on the circumstanses.  I was on my way home from work on Tuesday.  It was snowing.  I was approaching a light and it went yellow.  I decide to stop but for the last 30 or so feet before the car came to a complete halt I hit glazing at started to slide.  The ABS system reacted to the slide.  I felt it through the brake pedal.  Once I stopped which was a little over a car length beyond where the traffic plate sits, I quickly put it in reverse and backed up and on to the traffic plate and out of the intersection.  I put the car back into drive and noticed that the ABS light was on.  From the description above it should be obvious that the car is an automatic.  Make and model are in the title.  Car has 166,000 miles on it.

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On the older models there is a black plastic cover on the side of the ABS module under the hood with a couple of relays and fuses under it. It could be referencing one of those.


The ABS on these is kind of fickle. I've confused mine several times (usually in snow or mud) and had the light come on and the system disabled. Cycling the ignition key resets it and everything works normally again.


I wouldn't worry about it too much unless the code comes back.

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On the older models there is a black plastic cover on the side of the ABS module under the hood with a couple of relays and fuses under it. It could be referencing one of those.


The ABS on these is kind of fickle. I've confused mine several times (usually in snow or mud) and had the light come on and the system disabled. Cycling the ignition key resets it and everything works normally again.


I wouldn't worry about it too much unless the code comes back.

How many times do you have to cycle the ignition key and does it have to happen in sequence?  I drive the car daily and the light has remained on since Tuesday.  I have probably started the car 20 times in the past five days.

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One time has always taken care of it in my experiences. Off, then back On, and the light is out.


If the light is still on then there is likely a problem.

What method did you use to retrieve the code?

Did you try to clear the code afterward?

I found the diagnostic plug under the dash and jumpered it so I could read the code.  I must have turned the key on around a dozen times before I felt comfortable saying it was a "51".  I have no idea how to clear the code except maybe disconnecting the battery?  I also learned that a working ABS system is not a requirement to pass my state's safety inspection which I have to do by the end of next month.  I have a hunch that replacing the ABS system would likely lighten my wallet considerably.

Edited by Steves72
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