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testing our dizzy modules EA81, EA82


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Is there a way to bench test a dizzy module of the two wires to coil variety found in our EA81 and EA82 ?

The factory manuals do not cover the topic.


I'm thinking a spare coil, complete dizzy with cap, leads and spark plugs on a common grounded point, hook up a battery to the whole thing and spin dizzy cog by hand is the long way to do it ....


Can we hook the two wires up, select something on a DMM and get a result ?

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Power it up like normal and a test light on coil - should flash if the module is OK.


I think you can use the electromagnetic field from the tip of a soldering iron to stimulate the pick-up coil type ones.

I have not tried that yet.


Diode test function of your multimeter will show open or shorted semiconducter junctions between the module connections 99% of the time for bad ones.Much simpler.

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