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So first of all I will say before I swapped engines I already replaced the knock sensor with the ebay one, it was taken off the Ej25 with no codes and no issues, so I put it on the ej22 and not soon after I got a code for it.. So sometimes it would go for maybe 125 miles with no code.. and the most recent I had my scan monitor running and as I was getting on the ramp the car lost a bunch of power and I saw the timing was pulled to 8 degrees, then went back to around 45 degrees.


Now to be safe I got another new knock sensor but seeing as the ebay one was not cracked when I took it off seems a bit odd?

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Just replace it and see if the car acts normal or not. You have no idea what the history of the ebay unit really is/was. If it's a cheap Chinese knock-off, then be lucky it even worked at all. I know for my Saab, we have a giant, 1 piece molded together ignition coil that's part of the valve cover's cover. there are "knock-offs" being sold that either work or they don't (still expensive), and it boils down to inferior parts and bad quality control. If the replacement still acts up, investigate the harness and wiring for breaks or bad connections. 

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