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Have been reading a fair bit on a problem I have with my wife's 2000 Forester and was impressed with the amount of information I was gleaning. Just wanted to share something that I did not see about testing relays. My problem is that gas won't go in, takes 15 minutes to put about 2 gal in with a can, and I have been trying different things and scouring the net to get a handle on it. Saw a tutorial video about testing one of the fuel systems valves and found that there is a test connection under the drivers dash that will cause all relays in the vehicle to cycle on a 1 sec interval while the ignition switch is on engine off. Bright geen, easy to see plug it in to test all relays. Had not read that anywhere so I decided to join and share. Probably old news to many but sometimes obvious things don't get taught to us newbies.

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Welcome to the board!

The Test Mode connectors are well known among those of us who regularly work on these cars. A lot of people new to Subaru find those by mistake and plug them in thinking they are supposed to be connected, and end up here asking why the fans and all the relays keep cycling and the car won't run right.

A very useful feature for diagnosing, not so great if you don't know what they're for. Test mode also cycles all of the various emissions system solenoids under the hood as well as the ones by the fuel tank.

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