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Comfortable temperatures for operation of Legacy 2.0 Engines?

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Hello Everyone,

Tonight I made the regular trip down to the Safeway. I made the last 2 minute drive from my place last night about at the same time.


Tonight the temperature was -17c when I departed - the Subaru started up with no problem - the 2.0 engine was rebuilt 2.5 years ago and has about 20,000 kilometres on her.  


I drove down to Safeway the exact same way I always drive and kept her in second gear to let the rpms to be high so she could get a little warm as I let her idle about 30 seconds to a minute - she seem fine and plenty perky for the run down town which is about 4 to 5 blocks - its a ten minute walk. I am moving in 36 hours so I have been running her a little bit each day just so she can have a little warmth.


What I am thinking as I turned in to the spot I normally do she could of become flooded from the turn - but this is only a thought.


She did this to me about 6 weeks ago and when I returned the next day she to see she was ok she started up like  a charm - just like that. The tank is just above the half full mark and I only run high octane 91 and during the winter I don't let her sit to long at half a tank and work to keep the tank topped up.


My regular Mechanic is in Calgary and I have not had a chance to go in and see him as he is normally only open during the mid week however she has been a little gem lately and this is the second time she has done this this winter. I am thinking I will let her sit until the temperature climbs over -10 before I try to turn her over again because she does not have a heat block.


It is not electrical because the lights and everything seem to be fine - she just does not want to turn over for some weird unknown reason... and I am thinking it is a combination I did not let her idle long enough and she could be flooded however the defrost had no problem heating up the windshield on the way down so I am not sure being cold is the situation which brings me back that I could of flood her as I made the quick 180 degree turn into my normal parking spot and then turned her off to quickly...


Any thoughts?



Thanks again for any offered advice to prevent this from happening again in advance.









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not sure what the complaint is. Is it unable to re-start after a short drive?


in only 4-5 blocks, I'd think the car is still pumping xtra fuel in cause of the xtreme cold. So, it may be possible the fuel is washing down the oil in the cylinders or condensing w'ever. I have read of folks who move their car a short distance, shut it off to close a gate or garage door, then the car won't start after they return.


Next time, try starting with your foot on the floor. FI systems detect that as a 'clear flood' condition and will hold fuel back during starting.

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Today I let the girl bask in the sunlight until the temps rose to -8c. Stuck the key in, turned and she started on the first try. It seems like there might be some kind of electrical short circuit that might be occurring during cold temps... 


When I have the first chance I will be taking her in to have her electrical system checked out...


Thanks for your feedback 1 Lucky Texan from 1 Lucky Albertan...



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