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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Need help fin ding some stuff for my brat

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I recommend calling your local auto parts store and getting part numbers from their database. They should have more accurate information for you. Also, if you measure the approximate length of the belt using some rope, they may be able to get you close. Also, they may be able to find you at least a part number for the struts, although I seriously doubt you'll find any, as even second Gen (EA81) cars you almost can't find suspension pieces for any more.

As for the taillight assemblies, you'll have to ask around for any new old stock or used ones, as Subaru and everyone else stopped making those a long time ago.


And the front struts are different from the rear shocks. The front suspension is a McPherson strut setup while the rear is a torsion bar design.


Posting in the WTB section may net you something as well as perusing ebay and CL.



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