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I just bought a 91 Legacy LS wagon from my neighbor. I had salvaged rear struts replaced by a mechanic and was trying to find source of loud knocking / vibrating sound even when acc only is on. Sound was coming from front left fender between fender and batt. Took fender off, saw compressor (?) for air struts. Mistakinly unscrewed cannister and got a facefull of graphite dusty air. 2 q's: 1. Can I ever have kids again? And 2. can that cannister be filled again? It sounded like it was trying to when I put it back together but the seal seemed broken. Also, the only time that compressor doesn't make a rattling sound is while the car is lowering from its "Hoist" position, then it starts up again. Help, first day owner and in trouble with the wife!

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yeah but then you can't roll up next to ricers with it in the "HIGH" posistion and hit the switch and drop it down and be intimidating :brow: I'd personally like to tinker with a set of air struts and figure out why they fail and what I could do to prevent their failure...

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Thanks, but i think it'd be a whole lot more intimidating to pull up to a ricer and open my air compressor assmebly. it sure scared me when i did it to myself.


if the thing still works, how can i reseal the bottle? It sounds like it is trying to fill but when i took out the little screw, then turned the black bottle sidways and it spewed empty, some o-ring gasget or seal must have burst. anyone know if i can re-seal it so it will hold pressure again?


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Most recent problem fixed! Out of respect for the Soob gods, I am going to keep trying to keep the air suspension afloat. When I disconnected the air compressor, I blew out an o ring. 59 cents is all it took to get it replaced. As a new ru owner, i'm sure i'll have lots more not so cheap.


just found out that front rt strut is new and i had new salvaged put in back so now all it should need is a front left and i have one local. Next up is looking for leaks in the system.


i love this car.

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