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I replaced the water pump and timing set (mitsumo ebay) when I put a 95ej22 into my 99 outback about 40'000 miles ago. Recently smelled coolant and noticed what appeared to be a leak from the WP seal. I pulled the WP and replaced the seal that showed no signs of leaking (new Subaru seal). I damaged the bypass hose, so that was replaced as well as a new Stant thermostat and Subaru thermostat gasket.. After driving it for a week or two I am still noticing a drip or two of coolant in the same area (right at one of the machined fins on the WP near the thermostat housing. I cleaned the area and watched it. I swear that it appears to be seaping out of the casting, it is dry above and below the area where the drop forms.


Has anyone else seen anything like this?




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