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  • Is the torque converter from a 1995  2.2  Impreza 4EAT automatic AWD the same as the one in a 1995 2.2 Legacy 4EAT automatic AWD? I know the trannys are different numbers.
  • Do torque converters ever fail, or wear out?


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I haven't ever encountered one that failed.  Lots of them are the same across models like you mention but the only way I know is to visually check.  I have switched them and the flex plate and had no problems but your mileage may vary.  

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wouldn't surprise me if there's a tiny bit difference, but it'll be a benign and negligible amount.  those transmissions are entirely interchangeable final drive ratio notwithstanding.


i've never seen a Subaru torque converter failure, it would be a very odd thing indeed. i'd still probably use a lower mileage/better condition unit without any other compelling reason to not use it.

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