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Subaru 2.5L in my Vanagon started!

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Thanks to everyone on this forum who helped me get my Subaru/Vanagon conversion project this far!  Still lots to do, but at least she started up!!




Excerpt from my blog post on this @ westycamper.blogspot.com


The virgin start of my Subaru/Vanagon conversion went like this...
With fire extinguisher in-the-ready, Paul told me to give it a shot.  The first key turn was a dud.  Paul asked "did you do anything around the fuse box?"  Why yes... Yes I did!  I put in high-powered head light relays under there and ended up dislodging the main power cable from the battery.  Ooops!  With his electric sorcery, Paul troubleshooted the issue and we figured out where to re-connect everything.  To my defense, the Vanagon fuse panel blows.  Haha.  Literally.
On the second key turn, it fired right up.  As we celebrated, it puked gas all over the shop floor!  Evidently, I didn't tighten the fuel return hose very well :)  Thankfully, I turned it off before we needed the fire extinguisher.
But, as they say, third times a charm!




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It lives!!

Better than puking oil all over the floor! I replaced a radiator in a cadillac and didn't get one of the oil cooler fittings tight enough (at all). About a quart of oil ran down the driveway before I could get it shut off.

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I had to sell my 1985 Westfalia recently... & own a Subaru with 2.5l... always thought I make that transfer (2.5 for 1.8) but never needed to do so... the dream of long trips with out the paranoia of getting back home... ah. sweet peace of mind.

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