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For Anyone With A Recent "Eyesight System", Please

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Son is thinking of getting a 2015 Outback, and we are all having a big debate

whether it is a good idea, or not, to get it with the Eyesight System.


Cost is probably not a factor, but just out of curiosity, how much extra will it be for the 2015 ?


Anyway, would be most appreciative for those of you that have a 2014 Outback or Forester with this system, what you overall impressions are of it ?


e.g., our biggest concern, does it "take over" too much of the Driver's function ?


Worth having ?

pros and cons, caveats, etc.


What you like about it, and DON'T like about it


Much thanks; appreciaste your time and help with this,


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My mom recently got an Eyesight equipped Forester. I've driven it a bit with the system on and it has beeped at me, but never taken over. I've been close enough to other cars that I had to wonder if the system was on, but remember, it won't cut in until the last moment and when it does, it will be a full-force panic stop.

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