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Subaru Brat - Bed Trim - Options?

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Let me start by saying that I used the search function and found a few older threads with not much information about them; and instead of resurrecting I have decided to make a new thread to approach this subject.


To the subject...


Has anyone found an alternative to the chrome bed trim that our Brats use? I have been looking at weather stripping and all sorts of things trying to come up with something wide enough and tall enough; but have yet to find a suitable match.


My other option would be to pull the chrome off, sand it all down, and run bed liner over it too. But I was looking for something aftermarket, that was a bolt on replacement in non-chrome.


Any ideas? They would be appreciated. Thanks!

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As far as your 1st. option, haven't heard of anyone having any luck with that.

It would be a real shame to liner your trim if it is in nice shape.

If it's beat to spoob, go for it. knock out as many dents/dings as you can. Maybe use some body filler to smooth it out and line away!

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I have looked at tons of pictures of Brats and have yet to find one without the chrome... The trim I have is somewhat beat-up and running bed liner over it wouldn't be a shame. Was just trying to find something that would be a but more solid and a cover the screw holes and pinch weld...


I may try to form a piece of aluminum over the weld and screw it down after covering it with bed liner.

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I had great success on the wheel trim on my '81 by pulling it off and then doing some good old fashioned sheet metal work to tap out the bumps. I then wet-sanded the imperfections with progressively finer grits and finally polished it. By itself, that probably wouldn't work for the chrome trim, but it might help. Of course, if you don't mind spending the money, you could then get it re-plated.

Edited by bendecker
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Thats a killer idea! Looking at that you could weld on a piece of 3/4" "L" and make your own. You can bend that stuff fairly easily at a shop too, for the odd corners, or snip and weld it to shape.  For that matter any machine shop could brake you a piece to fit just the tailgate.  I figure I'm going to have to go this route because thats the only piece I'm missing. (but now I'm not so sure....)

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I am still trying to locate some rubber pinch-weld molding that sticks out an extra 2" on one side in order to cover up the screw holes. Nothing yet; really looks like I will probably take mine off, sand them down, and cover with something.


this guys end result looks decent enough:



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I replaced several of the broken plastic pieces on mine with a small wedge shaped block of wood. Marine caulked it in place and they are still there after many years. I sanded mine down and had them shot black with the last paint job. Probably 5 years ago.

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as long as you have enough of the clip to be a "spacer" i have just drilled right through and used a machine bolt and nut with 

a big washer on the bottom - only works for the ones you can get to the underside of.

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  On 7/25/2014 at 5:02 PM, thornleyjacob said:

Beautiful! Was that roll bar stock?


Thanks. No, not stock. I bought a 1981 Brat just for the roll bar and seats but the bar did not fit correctly, so I found some tubing that came from an old swimming pool ladder and diving board and adjusted the bends and welded it to fit the way I wanted. The truck does have the jump seats in the back now.


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