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Partial Rollbar Canopy ?

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Due to various reasons and purposes, I have to get rid of my Brat's shell/canopy...

I have had no takers or serious offers, and have been faced with actually having to throw the thing away, which I have serious problems with, naturally.


There is one other possibility, and that is one of those farings? or partial canopies that basically only covers over a rollbar in the back, kinda like what Big-Rigs have as a wind break on thier cab in front of the trailer. I guess the proper term is an "Air Deflector".  I THINK I could cut that much off the rest of my canopy, it could serve a purpose, not look too bad, and be a place to mount antennas, lights, etc with just a little reenforcing maybe.

(See attached pic(s)


However, I would like input from anyone who has successfully or even unsuccessfully tried or done this, both for overall advice, but also because I am not yet sure how I would mount it properly, as the canopy as it exists now naturally mounts via long eye-bolts in the bed further back.

Thank you.


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