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oil pump reseal....

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The front end of my dad's Brat is pretty soaked. Dripping from under the oil filter. I bought a reseal kit for the oil pump with all the gaskets and o-rings. Is this pretty straightforward or what? Just unbolt, cleanup and reinstall with new gaskets and o-rings?


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You got it. Takes about 30 minutes. The pumps are usually in there pretty tight, so you have to pry a bit. Turn and pry on it at the same time - just don't scratch the mating surfaces of the pump and the block. Pretty simple, just watch how it comes apart so you know where everything is.


Could be your front main seal needs attention too - the pumps don't usually leak, they lose pressure from bad seals, but they don't leak. The front main seal could need replacing. Have to remove the pulley for that. Not hard either tho.



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