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Ultimate Subaru Message Board

Alright, i need some advice on my Sr. Project from the pro's....

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Okay, i go to Tereace high, up here in north seattle, and we do this Senior project our senior year. We gotta choose a project of our choice, and do it. So, of course, i chose to do some work on my car, more specificaly my engine.

now my problem, i need a set of specific standards to measure the final product by. I've chosen to try to get it to be as close to stock numbers as possible, if not higher.


sooo, any one got the factory specs on the hp, tourque, weight, or anything else like that that i could use for the project? real numbers...not the ones listed on autotrader :)


Thanks alot


oh P.S. any suggestions for my project would be awesome...i'm open to anyhting you might want to throw out there for me.

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