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07 Legacy Transmission issue?

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On my 2007 Legacy....  When I take off from a stop shifting from 1st to 2nd, and 2nd to 3rd, I have a surging symptom.  At first I thought maybe I had a vacuum leak somewhere, but don't know if vacuum plays a part in this transmission.  There is a fuse for the transmission control unit, so I figured maybe this control unit is something that could be failing, and something that can be replaced easily???  Not sure...  Any ideas?????

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no direct vacuum control of the trans - it's electronic.


I'd try doing 3 drain/fill/drive briefly/repeat cycles to get mostly fresh fluid in there(only about 40% will drain from the trans plug, the rest is in the torque converter) - maybe try a CRC Trans-X treatment on the last fill. It has helped a lot of older transmissions last years longer than they would otherwise. Yours just seems to have problems earlier that it should.


Do you have any warning lights on/flashing?

Edited by 1 Lucky Texan
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