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2015 Legacy-Bluetooth issues b/c of Apple iOS8 update.

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    Ever since the Apple iOS8 update, the bluetooth sync doesn't list the "List" button on the bluetooth screen.  This prevents you from selecting songs, playlists, and such.  The only way to select a song, playlist and all, is to recall the music on the phone itself.  Thought the iOS8 update number 2 would fix this but nope.  Has anyone else had this problem? and any suggestions on possible fixes?

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Apple doesn't play well with others when it comes to Bluetooth. You may need to get a separate IPod running an older version of IOS to make it work correctly since the '15 model head unit was probably not designed with IOS8 compatibility in mind.


I've been able to get around playlist issues with mine (IOS7) by setting up by making a separate playlist that includes all of the music on the phone. But I'm using aftermarket stereos, this may not work on the '15 factory stereo.

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