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Hi. This morning I discovered a "squeaking" noise on my 1998 Legacy L sedan (auto) w/ 102k miles. It sounds like it's coming from the front end of the car when I am driving or turning slowly. I've experienced the chattering sound of a CV boot, so I'm pretty sure it's not that. It just squeaks like an old door opening, like something needs to be greased or oiled. Any ideas on where to start?



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Try this: turn the wheels completely in one direction and drive in a full circle. Listen for sounds. Then repeat in the other direction. If it happens in one direction but not the other, it's probably the cv axle/ doj. If it happens in both, it may be wheel bearings. If it happens when the car is sitting still, you have mice under the hood.

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Hi Guys. Thanks for the quick replies. It seems to be a constant squeak. I happened to notice it sitting in a parking lot at lunch the other day. It sounds fine idling, but when I turned the wheel to the left or right, I could hear an audible squeaking or creaking. Best way to describe it is like the Tinman in Wizard of Oz. It's not a grinding or gnashing, just sounds like something needs lubrication. I don't know.

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P/S fluid is topped off. This one's got me stumped. I'm gonna have to get have to get down on the ground and see if I can figure out what it is this weekend. Thanks for all the help so far. I'll keep you posted.


- Ed

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I sometimes get a plastic type of squeaking (more like a squeal) noise from my steering column that's associated with an interior trim being out of alignment from bouncing around over a 21 year lifespan. No big deal.

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