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Idle speed to high - when car is moving (1992 Legacy EJ22, manual transmission)

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I have a small problem with my idle speed: It's too high - about 1900 rpm - when I hit the clutch and the car is moving further on. As soon as the car is stopped, the idle speed immediately drops to its normal speed. But as long as the car is moving, it stays at this high rate.


I really don't get an idea what could be the cause of this odd behaviour. Any hint is appreciated :)



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The computer is not seeing the neutral switch most likely.  It still thinks the trans is in gear.  

You can find the wires coming up the trans, right at the back of the engine.  Disconnect the plug and use a meter to check for OL and 0.0 ohms.  Switch open and closed when you shift in and out of N.

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+1 what Lmdew said. Nuetral position switch on the trans is sticky. It tells the computer when the trans is in gear or Nuetral. When it sticks in the "in gear" position, the ECU holds idle speed up a bit.


The Nuetral position switch is the rear-most switch on the left side of the trans. Try removing it and cleaning the plunger and working the switch a bunch and see if that helps.

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