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attached to the sump magnet were about a dozen pieces of metal about 3mm square in size????????


is this right????? a little worried to say the least!!!!


Although gear change is fine??


Could it be diff trouble..... ????????


Any help would be appreciated..........PLEASE

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Those sound like rather large metal particles. When I last changed the gear box oil in my ’98, all I recall was some sludge on the magnet.



We need more details to respond properly.



Is the car still under warranty? If so, bring it to the dealer and at least have the problem noted for the record. That may help you if the transmission later fails. It might help if you had the metal particles to show them. I would want to be able to assure them that you used the proper gear oil when you tell them that you changed the gear oil yourself.



If the warranty has expired, I don’t think there is too much you can do. Just make sure you used the proper weight gear oil. Perhaps change it once again after 5,000 mi just to make sure you got all of the metal particles. Otherwise all you can do is hope for the best or pay to have the transmission torn down and rebuilt.

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Thanks for that.....yes, it is still under warranty, was going to pay for another two years. Will the warranty still be valid even though I have had the oil changed by a reputable dealer......(please say yes)

also, used the castrol syntrax oil.


Will try and get some pics up of the problem!!!

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I don't know the terms of the warranty (especially since you writing from outside of the U.S.), but I don't think having the oil changed by an independent mechanic should be any issue.


The two issues I perceive are:


(1) Making sure the transmission has oil that complies with whatever Subaru requires (this should be specified in the owner's manual)--otherwise the dealer may claim that the oil you have has aggravated the problem and voided the warranty.


(2) Persuading the dealer to acknowledge that a problem exists. Dealers are experts at denial/minimization. Bring pictures/metal particles if you have them. Get them to acknowledge the issue in writing.


There might not be much the dealer can do for you if the transmission isn't acting up. I would seek to have the problem noted for the record and perhaps getting the dealer to do a couple of free gear oil changes to ensure that the problem is monitored and that any additional metal particles are flushed out.

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It is actually quite normal for a manual tranny to shed some metal. Synchros are working hard and cog teeth from reverse tend to get chipped. The magnet is there to collect them and alert you of a serious problem.


"Serious" is a big pile of metal shavings on the magnet. A thin coating is no cause for alarm.


Haven't seen your magnet though...

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Here is a picture of the bits of metal. Not too clear but as you can see quite a few bits. As far as I know this is the first oil change the gearbox has had. All seems OK with the gears........


Opinions please



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Well, I am going to the dealer tomorrow to have it checked!!!

Shall I take a tape recorder with me for evidence.....:rolleyes:


Will let you all know how I get on......



Thanks for all your replies, you have put my mind at rest a little....




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Chip, didn`t need to tie him up or anything!!!!


He was quite willing to take it in.....the sooner the better, so he takes it from next Tuesday for a few days.

They will be doing it all under warranty:)


Will be using Castrol Syntrax when it comes back!!!!!




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I dunno if this would apply to your warranty or not, but my ex has a Hyundai, and to save money she wanted to see if I could change the oil rather than the dealer (cuz it has to have it's scheduled maintenance for the warranty to be valid) and the dealer said it was okay, as long as she brought in receipts for the oil, and if I replaced anything like an air or fuel filter, I had to get genuine Hyundai parts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

O.K then, an update of my UK300......


The dealer has just phoned to say the car is ready and said there was a problem between 3rd and 4th gear, they have replaced the parts and said that Subaru must have been aware there was a problem as the new parts they ordered are slightly modified. They sorted out some other minor problems too and ALL under warranty......


So a BIG thimbs up for 'DAYS' of Chelmsford, UK.....TOP JOB GUYS and many thanks....



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