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Driver Side Fender Stripped Off - Easy repair?

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1999 Subaru Legacy Wagon: Hit a curb slightly while making a tight slow turn, guess the curb was wedged under Driver Front side and when backing up, it pulled the corner off, stripping the bolt holes.


This is the wife's car - didn't realize how low to the ground everything is. Her model looks like this:




So yeah, looks like the bolt holes are now stripped. The front left is seperated from right in front of the wheel and then a bit wrapping over into the front side.


How difficult is it to repair / pop back into place? If I bring it to a small shop, would they be able to create some new holes to secure everything pretty easily? Or do I need to take this to a body shop (gulp).

Car has 126k on it so I really don't want to spend a lot and just want it to be secured - then I can put some touch up paint on it.


Any advice appreciated!!


Edited by yesyeah
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hard to tell without seeing the carnage but people use cable ties frequently  to secure parts that get torn loose. if you have sufficient access a nut and through-bolt will work as well. and there is always duct tape for those of us who don't mind really obvious fastening :D

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