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Oil cooler

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As my car has a tendency to run hot I was looking through the turbo version and I noticed that there is a oil cooler attachement that fits on the pump, where can I get this and all of the associated hardware?




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you mean somthing like this?attachment.php?attachmentid=726


talk to WJM. see if he has any leftover. he had the adaptors. the rest (lines,fittings,and cooler) are up to you. as you can see I went a little over board.

oh and yes it will help lower you engine temp a little bit. you still need a properly functioning cooling system too.

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It functions, i dont know if properly. The hottest it will get is halfway between the middle line and the hot line. Ive had the radiator replaced, ive tried with and without a thermo, ive replaced the rad cap, flushed the system, there is flow evident in the radiator, and the fans kick on at a 1/4 past the middle line.



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fans opperate ok? is it all the time or only at low/high speed?


what about your timing? incorrect timing will cause you to run hot as well.


if all that is good go for it put a oil cooler system on. I put one on because I use the A/C on long hot trips sometimes in the mountians. It did help keep my system cooler.


you are running a 50/50 mix of coolant and soft water?


Red Line makes water wetter that sometims helps too.

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yea, the fans operate ok, though I think they come on too late ( 1/4 past the middle line). Im going to wire a switch in so I can override the thermo if I need to for the fans.


mainly it gets hot if im at a stop, but even moving again at about 10+ mph brings the temp back down. It also will get hot at 65-75 when its 100+ degrees F out. Oh, and it will get not as hot but certainly over the line if Im climbing hills.


Ive tried from none to 50-50 coolant mix. About half a thing of coolant does best.


What is redline?

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Red Line makes synthetic oils and other cool products. I am being verry careful here as I know that this can start a whole new debate. RedLine water wetter is a product that you add to the coolant with say a 30/70 coolant/water mixture. it is like a heat transfer aid and lubercant for the WP.

it sounds as though you have a fan problem.

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Yeah - as long as it's not to the red. Every EA81 I've had runs like that. Even with new thermostats, caps, and perfect radiators (I have a friend at a radiator shop, and had him go through one). My guage usually reads slightly less than halfway between the mark and red. Totally normal.



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170 is not healthy. Cooler is not better, as your oil will not reach it's proper viscosity rating, and the metals in the engine will not fully expand to their operating state. The stock thermostat is set to open at 195 degrees, and the engine should run at a constant temp of at least 200-210 degrees.



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  GeneralDisorder said:
170 is not healthy. Cooler is not better, as your oil will not reach it's proper viscosity rating, and the metals in the engine will not fully expand to their operating state. The stock thermostat is set to open at 195 degrees, and the engine should run at a constant temp of at least 200-210 degrees.



who cares, whats the darn cooling setup! :D

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I have an oil cooler adapter sitting in my garage if you want to take a look at, also the RX is alive again just waiting on a stupid valve. I will try to make some time so we can figure out the cooling issue, you get out of school at 3:30 right? I should be able to be done riding by then.




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What else is sitting in your parts pile there matt?



Yes I might be interested in the oil cooler.


But I am thinking I might take my tranny lines and run them through a seperate cooler, might make all the difference for both the tranny and the engine.



Yea thursday can work, I am done at 3




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notice GD is the only guy that makes fun of lower stats, and hes the same guy that says his ea81s ride between the red and half way line!!!!!?????????


i am officially discounting his information. 195 thermostats are made for peepl that want a hotter heater, and lower emissions. 180 degree stats work well, and dont hurt a damn thing, cept make your car spit out a little more emissions.


my ea81s run at the half way mark, and if they go any higher i start looking for reasons why. with a 180 they ride a bit below the middle line. and if nothiing else they will give you 1or 2 hp just by lowering the temp of the intake by 10-15 degrees.


isnt about the only thing that kills these cars head gasket failures? from heat? and pressures too high, for long periods of time?!!

i figure you should do everything you can to make your car run cooler, and it will last longer. like 180 thermostats and an oil cooler, and a good radiator.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If I were to buy an oil cooler adapter and a radiator meant for an auto could i put the engine oil through the auto oil cooler in the new radiator.


BTW: my rad has a slow leak anyway so i need a new one soon anyhow

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