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piston sizing issue

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ok so if I have 4 pistons with the "B" stamp.


on the case I am going to use I have 3 "B" stamps and one "C" stamp.


I dont have acess to a mic to measure the differnce in size yet.

does any one know how much the sizing will be off?


I sliped the piston in both the B and C holes and cannot see or feel much differance.


I know I need to do some actual measurements.


this is on an EA82T motor.

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The letters don't mean much unless you are trying to upsize to avert a problem.


Put a piston in a hole. Use a feeler gauge to measure fit. Subaru allows .003 clearance. If it's tight or loose in that cylinder, try fitting into a different one...chances are it will fit.




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