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2.5 DOHC cam sprocket removal

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Sorry.  I know this must have been covered before but I have not been able to find an answer in a search.  Anyway, apparently we need to remove both driver's  side cam sprockets in order to remove the water pump?  The timing belt has already been removed.  How de we hold the cams from turning in order to loosen the sprocket bolts?  Will also have to hold cams when tightening back up.




Mike V.

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There is a special tool to lock them.  Without that, the best way is to run an old chunk of tbelt around the cam and crank pulleys and clamp them together in the middle with a vise grips.  Works for torquing the bolt as well.


Was your water pump leaking?  They don't fail often.  If it was an overheat problem, read up on Head Gasket failures.

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AMS cam tools are what I have that holds them in place.  They look like these:




I just did cam seals and crank seal and complete timing belt kit on my 1998 2.5 DOHC and used these and they worked great.  They work better on the AVCS engines because the gears are a bit easier to grab, but they do work fine on the older engines as well.


If you are working on a later model EJ engine and you have cam bolts that are socket head, you also really need to have this:




and use it with an impact wrench to remove cam gear bolts.  I just did a set about 45 minutes ago and pop, off they come, and when it's time to put them back on, hold with the AMS cam tool and tighten up to torque and you're good to go.  Not cheap tools, but definitely worth it to have them in your box.  If you can't afford them, perhaps you can have a couple of guys that you know that are Subaru enthusiasts pool together and purchase a set.  I know of several groups that have done that and it makes it much better for everyone.  If you don't have a group that you hang with, I can loan you mine IF you promise to get them back to me ASAP as I'm doing a rebuild on an EJ257 right now and will need them in the next week or so. 


For putting on the timing belt, again, if you have the cam bolts that are socket head, you need the Company 23 tool and you can buy it here:




It puts the timing belt on correctly first time every time and makes life a LOT easier...LOL.


Let me know what you have and I can box them up in a USPS fits/ships box and you'll have them on Wednesday.


Good luck.  :)

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