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HELP! No start 99 Impreza Outack

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This is odd:  COLD here in Northwoods WI.! 


I've had my 99 Impreza Outback Sport in retirement since the fall.   Wanted to get the car started up to use for a project.   Made sure battery was charged (Brand NEW battery)   Ye olde Suby fired right up!   Ran it for about an hour. 


Get up this morning and go to start the car and the lights come on in the dash, the 'ding' starts going off as I have a key in the ignition and I make sure the clutch is all the way to the floor as it's a manual,,,, and it will not turn over.   If there is a 'click' when you hit the start button, it's so faint I'm not hearing it.   Odd.  Get my HD marine battery out of the garage to jump it,,,, same thing.   Odd.  That battery is fully charged.   Jump it with my Saturn Vue (New battery AND  a new alternator) and the same thing:  nothing.... 


Any idea what is going on?   I pulled the battery cables this morning and cleaned them up with a wire brush.   They didn't really need it but I did it anyway.   


So, at the moment, I'm trying to figure out what might be going on here.  


Any ideas?

Edited by UMT
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