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Wacko brake question

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I am in the proccess of building the pedal assembly for the Justy. The tube frame conflicts with the brake fluid reservoir. Has anyone ever re-located their reservoir away from the master? I don't mind loosing the power booster, but I think the fluid reservoir is rather important.

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I know a number of VW guys have done it as a part of tubbing out the engine bay. However, I don't think they move it very far - maybe a couple of inches at the max. No idea how they do it, though.

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On the old VW beatle it was remote mounted stock. Early cars had it above (about 10") and foward (20") of the MC under the spare tire, later cars (after switching to dual circuits) in was above (24") and to the right (8") near the hood hindge. Moving it should be fine as long as its done in a way that lets gravity do its job.



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