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Snout Repair Kits-Do they all use the same TOB? 96 Outback 2.2

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I recently pulled my tranny and found what was making noise.  Before I split the case I realized I already had a sleeve kit to repair the snout from the previous owner.  There are no markings on the TOB so I was wondering if all repair kits for a 96 Outback would use the same oversize TOB.  Thanks

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Sorry, it is the one with two set screws.  It appears to be newer as the clutch was just replaced 12K ago.  It was just really sloppy and there appeared to be no grease on the pivot or the sleeve.  I just want to know what TOB they usually use for that style.  I will order it from the parts house and make sure.  There is no name stamped on the sleeve. 

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You may be better off to order a new sleeve kit.

The screw on sleeves are larger diameter than the press-on types you get from most parts stores, thus the parts store press-sleeve TOB may not fit over the screw-on sleeve.


The screw on sleeve TOBs are generally expensive, even online.

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