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The Dead Rise Again!!!!!

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Just thought I would announce to everybody that I drove Roxanne again, under her own power, for the first time in too long last night. In case you didn't hear, she threw a rod on the way home home from college.


As of friday afternoon, the engine was entirely disassembled, aside from the heads, which had been redone 5,000 miles ago and had no damage. I spent several hours friday night, all of saturday and sunday with evenings off, and monday night working on it, and fired her up for the first time around 8 pm monday night. So far, everything looks good. Still a few issues to deal with, but it's gone much smoother than the last time I did this.


Some various pics of the engine, my garage, and stuff are now posted in my gallery, under "working on subarus/fubar page".


Oh yeah, I also got the pug rims on tonight, I'm doing bearings and CV shaft this weekend, and the lift should be here in just over a week.



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