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I have a 1990 gx liberty.....build date may '90.

If I get the Subaru 9pin OBD1 to OBD2 adaptor connector, and purchase a OBD2 code reader/scanner, will this set up work.

My wagon does not have the male/female black/green plugs as I've read about, it only has the above mentioned 9pin Subaru OBD1 connector, and what looks to be maybe the standard OBD1 connector.


Can someone shed some light on this topic for me please.

This is my first time using this forum....so please bear with me.......  :-)

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it is not uncommon for the diagnostic plugs (male/female black/green plugs) to still be taped up in the wiring harness under the dash and not easily noticed. poke around looking for lumps under the tape - I bet they are there still taped up...


I have no idea on the adapter thing, sorry.

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You would have to find an OBDII scanner that has the software to read manufacturer specific OBDI codes.  OBDI did not have generic codes, they were different from manufacturer to manufacturer.


Haynes produced a manual for OBDI codes that covered how to retrieve them, no reader required, and what the different codes meant.  You would be money ahead to get this book instead.


Edit: looks like that book is no longer in print and I don't see any used ones for sale.  Try the reference section of your local library to see if they have a copy.

Edited by keith3267
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  • 10 months later...

I just had to find my diag connectors on my 90 Legacy.  I had to drop the TCU (?) box to get to them. I'm gonna make them easier to get to by taking some of the tape off and "freeing" them from the bundle.  Once I found them it was easy to diagnose my bad knock sensor. :)

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Yes you can read codes on obd1 cars with a scanner if you buy a $1500 solarus scanner from snap-on, truly it just displays the codes it would normally blink out to you is all. Its really not worth buying a scanner cabable of doing this. Your plugs are probably just taped up into the harness.

Here is a good link with pics that will help you find your connectors. http://www.surrealmirage.com/subaru/engine.html

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