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Starts w/ 2.5 ecm not w/ 2.2 ecm?

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Hi All, I have a 98 Legacy Outback Wagon. Swapped out 2.5 for a 2.2. Got the ECM w/ 2.2. It wouldn't start until I put the original 2.5 ECM back in and it runs great. So far the only problem is an EGR code because the 2.2 has no EGR. I'll worry about that later. Any thoughts on the ECM no start issue?

Thanks in advance, Ryan

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Pinout changed in 98.

If the ECU came from a 97 or earlier all the pins are in different places so the sensor signals aren't going where they're supposed to, thus, you get no fire.

2.2 ECU is probably toast now.


Did the 2.2 manifold have EGR? If not you'll need to get one to get rid of the EGR codes.

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Thanks. The 2.2 was from a 98 Impreza and the ECU came from that car. That is what he said anyway. No the 2.2 does not have an EGR I still have the intake and harness from the 2.5 with an EGR.


I will check into the work around.


Thanks again, Ryan

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