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Code reader / OBII for 98 Liberty

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Hi Folks,


I wish I found this forum sooner, read lots of good suggestions and advice. Thanks.


I need clarification on which FI code reader or OBDII that will fit a May 1998 Libery / Legacy RX EJ25D that someone knows will work. There are lots of them on fleebay, I did find one years ago but never needed it and remember the Australian Suburu's have their own interface and not generic OBDII plug.


The subi is close to been restored, just the damn head gaskets, and chec engine light are the major jobs to complete next.


Would someone shed light on which code reader would work, a link if you have one?




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Here is the one I use on my 2003 Baja. Actron Autoscanner plus.



Every vehicle from 1995 should have an OBD II port. So far it has plugged into a 1995 Ford Explorer, 1998 Chevy van, 2006 Buick, 2003 Ford F-150. I should say from 1995 and up on vehicles sold in the United States. I'm not sure about OZ or elsewhere.


A little pricey compared to their other models but felt like it was worth it in case I needed to diagnois anti-lock brakes. Unfortunately it did not diagnosis which wheel was at fault on my wife's 2006 Buick after the ABS light came on. Later I discovered I accidently unplugged the sensor on the passenger side front wheel when I replaced the brake pads.


And it did not tell me which cylinder was missfiiring on my 98 Chevrolet van but so far has told me which cylinder was misfiring on my Subaru and which oxygen sensor was bad.


Either this machine does not like GM vehicles or when they do flash a code, they are not very specific.


Here recently the check engine light kicked on my Subaru a couple of times and my code reader said it was the idle air control valve. One time the code reset itself and the last time I reset the code with my scanner. It hasn't come back on in 6 months.


All I know is I installed a new fuel filter and allot of weird things went away...

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If the car doesn't have the 16 pin OBD2 plug, no OBD2 code reader will interface with it.

You might get lucky and have the adapter cable work IF the Subaru 9 pin plug has ISO 9141-2 K and L line terminals. (ISO 9141-2 is the protocol the Subaru ECUs of that era use to communicate with a scanner/code reader.) If it doesn't have those, no basic scanner is going to read any codes from it.


I'm not 100% positive, but I would think plugging the diagnostic wires together way to make the ECU flash the codes should still work on that car.


Another thing you can look into is FreeSSM for a laptop. This requires a 9 pin to USB or serial adapter (which are available online, or can be built by ordering correct plugs) but will give you pretty much full diagnostic capability of the FreeSSM software supports your ECU.

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