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Power Light Flashes On Start-up 1990 Legacy SL

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So I did the procedure that you described and I get 2 flashes. How do I interpret this code to match the code table? Also I have a rough idle going on when the engine warms up. I cleaned my MAF sensor which helped a little but the idle is still rough. Should I check anything else?





Edited by northwestguy1
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The power light will flash in the same manner that this video of the check engine light does, long flashes are the tens place and short flashes are the ones place.

Do the flashes you saw correspond to a long flash and a short flash or did it do something else?

You can also try checking the ECU for any stored codes.

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Yes, so code 12 and that would be duty solenoid B.  You can try using the diagnostic pages below to test wiring and solenoid.






I'd suggest clearing the TCU's memory and see if that same code comes back. Pull the EGI/TCM fuse (fuse 14) for about an hour, reinsert, drive the car, and see if the same code comes back.

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