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fuel pump bolt replace

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i have an 88 dl wagon with spfi and i took my fuel pump out because to wasn't working,(don't do that unless you absolutly have to) or course the three 6 mm bolts broke i got the single front one out by unbolting the bracket but oi couldn't get the other two out i could move them a little but not enough room to swing the vice grips until i saw the three bolts holding the subframe to the rest of the frame so i put a jack under the subframe and took the three 17 mm bolts out and soaked the broken  bits with pb blaster and brake fluid and worked them out slowly then put the plate back on and tightened them up as tight as i could with a 1/2 in ratchet now i just need three bolts that bare 6mm b y how long by how may threads per mm if i buy them at the dealer they will charge me 7 bucks or more a peice does any one know the measurments i didn't want to use zip ties and i will put some antiseize on the threads

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6 x 1.00


bolt had a 10mm head right?  10mm bolt heads are 6x1.00 diameter threads.


length is somewhat arbitrary - guess and have a few washers to take up space just in case.  they're usually like 5 cents each so if you get a couple extras no big deal. 

don't you have the old bolt shanks to use as a gauge?

if you have access - stick a tooth pick down the hole to see how deep it is.


there are 10mm bolts all over your car - every bolt that's the same diameter will be the same thread pitch - remove a few of them and see if they'll work regarding length and use those as a gauge.  a few of the hundreds of 10mm bolts, 6x1.00 thread bolts on the car:



fender hold down

various intake bolts

radiator fan hold down bolts (if equipped)

transmission and oil pan (don't remove those on a good engine!)

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