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'99 Outback keylees entry failure

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I replaced the battery in the remote today as per the owners manual. I re initialized the remote by pressing the "lock" button 6 times. Nothing worked. I then attempted to re-program the system and followed all the other directions (open & close door, 10 on/offs, etc - I even tried unplugging the battery first) but never got the horn to blow to enter programming mode, ergo can't get Alpine Keyless remote to operate or arm system? The red LED on the dash blinks as does the remotes LED when a button is depressed.


Anyone have an idea what to try next?

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I just did this .


You have to turn the key 10 time real fast .The book saids 15 seconds

Thats not very much time to turn the key 10 times .

The horn has to beep after 10 key turns or you won't be able to program it .

Hope this helps .

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Pushing either button six times should have done it. The obvious question is if the battery could have been put in upside down. It's easy to flip those button batteries and they should fit equally well in right or wrong orientation. If it's not in right, the little red LED probably won't flash when you push either button

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I'll apologize in advance if this is a dumb question, but do you have both key fobs? B/c if you have both and one works, the other doesn't, could be the problem is with the key fob and not with the keyless entry system per se?

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