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**Update** 5/20/04 passed Colorado Emissions test without a problem. I've driven it a couple of hundred miles and the ECU showed no codes. I like the combination very much and for a $125.00 for a used engine you can't go wrong!


Just did a 2.5 to 2.2 swap on a 98 Legacy Outback. I'd picked up the 2.2 with 52K on it and then watched for a Outback that needed an engine. The swap went well (thanks CCR Inc. for the information). I only have to trace out the vac. lines, as there is one extra. Also will make some brackets for the power steering lines, as neither set will bolt up.


Anyone need a 2.5 as a spare?


Just pulled a 2.5 motor out of a 1998 Legacy Outback Wagon. It was missing on one cyc. The Shop thought it was a Head Gasket. Good Fixer, 109K was running fine other than the miss, when I pulled it. $550+shipping. Lmdew@hotmail.com

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Everything went right in. Just make sure you remove the top Trans support when you are going back in with the lower engine mounts. I left it connected to help support the trans while the engine was out and it held the lower engine mounts about an 1" fwd of the holes. Once I pulled the bolt, life was good.

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be smog. Here in Ca smog can really be a pain unless the engine is newer than the car and has all the bits from the new engine. I had considered this as a possibility for my 99 Forester when the engine dies.

Perhaps things are a bit easier in Colorado.

I put a 289 in a Datsun Z yeatrs a go and built a Lotus 7 replica and both required many appointments and much patience to smog here.

This has cut my engine swapping way down.

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Things are easier EVERYWHERE than in the country of Cali. Get out of that god forsaken communist country while you still can. Barbara Fienstein should be dragged from the bumper of a V-12 SUV with no emmissions contols over a gravel road. Just my $.02.

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That's Barbara Boxer (the other one is Diane Feinstein) and if you hadn't noticed the New England states are well on their way to adopting Cal-spec emissions. CT included, if they can come up with some decent test stations and incorruptible inspectors.

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Yah I live in PA, and they have adopted a "stricter" emissions test. Well not exactly stricter, just more expensive. now it costs $50 for the second sticker, and all they do is a visual inspection of the exaust, and a gas cap pressure test. funny, they used to do that on the regular safety inspection anyway... who does that $50 go to????


but seriously they are requiring the dyno test in the biger cities now too. luckily subarus are exempt because of the all wheel drive. ROCK ON!!! but you still have to pay for the visual test, but at least its one thing you dont have to worry about. bring on the fake CATs!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  rugbyben said:
Yah I live in PA, and they have adopted a "stricter" emissions test. Well not exactly stricter, just more expensive. now it costs $50 for the second sticker, and all they do is a visual inspection of the exaust, and a gas cap pressure test. funny, they used to do that on the regular safety inspection anyway... who does that $50 go to????


but seriously they are requiring the dyno test in the biger cities now too. luckily subarus are exempt because of the all wheel drive. ROCK ON!!! but you still have to pay for the visual test, but at least its one thing you dont have to worry about. bring on the fake CATs!!!

every garage was forced to buy a new machine that is to be used for '96 and up. they cost thousands of dollars. the gas cap pressure test is much for unforgiving and instead of sticking a probe in the exhaust, it connects directly to the OBD2. But as far as i know, and i work at an inspection station, there's no minimum for emish tests, only a max of $100. don't quote me on the price though, i'm not certified.

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