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Oklahoma subaru repair specialists

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It's like looking for that one good doctor outside that network. Any referrals?  I have an oil leak on driver side front and near rear wheel wells. The price of repairs is something I cannot easily afford.  I'm so happy and yes, proud,  that I was able to save myself $500 by replacing my heater blower assembly all by myself (in 2 hours and it took that long because I really didn't really know which tool to use).  It was such an simple fix . The cost the dealership wanted was far out of my budget. I am seriously offended that that extra $500 was so damn simple that this old lady could do it!  I had a good warm winter thanks to those who do post on the internet. Hopefully I can find some help here on this forum. 

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Oil or brake fluid? Oil could be coming from the CV axles. Easily replaced, relatively inexpensive, shop around. Also ck with the local junk yard. Haynes manual at your local auto parts store gives step by step procedure for under $20. Get back to me if you need more help. Brake lines are a little more difficult. You can find brake lines pre-made at your auto parts store. Use a hand torch to heat the fitting slightly before you try to loosen fittings. Use tube wrench and break fittings free with a sharp rap from a small hammer.Get back to me if you need more help.

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