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Where to next with 85 GL wagon

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Hi All!


I have had my wagon for a few months now, and just wondering where to go with it next as far as mods go. It has a stock EA82 engine (30,000 kms), lifted, 2 1/2" exhaust, tints, scoop, wide wheels, nudge bar. Looks pretty good, but it would be better with a little more grunt. I have inlcuded a pic of what she looks like at the moment.


What do you guys think of extra mods?






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The only time that front bar is used to park bicycles are when the morons who think bicycles have the same road rights as cars are on the main road on the way to work ;-)


Is it a big job to fit a webber? Should I make best use of the scoop and get the air filter sitting up in there rather than a standard one?


Tyres will come in a year or so, as when I bought it the guy just put on new tyres. They would fill out the guards a lot better.


As for the lift kit, I think its a 3" custom job. The bloke who did it made sure all the running gear was adjusted accordingly, which is good to know.


From what I can gather, the previous owner to the one I bought it from was a Subaru nut. He was going to drop a 95 WRX engine in the front (hence the scoop). Would have been an interesting ride :-)





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