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Please tell me that's not camo duct tape...LOL. If it is you have way to much time on your hands. On the other hand, it does look cool. Kind of like the new Jar-head uniforms:D . I see your from MN, it could also be serving as "flexable" body panel filler too!!! Later, Tim

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Yeah, thats that CamoClad stuff. Fixed my rust holes and did this instead of paint. I think I could have painted it cheaper... lol



Thats what happens when I'm bored on the weekend. And I have enough left to do my Harley... (just kidding)

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I live in Princeton, Minnesota and work in Plymouth so you will probably see it coming down the road....



Have to figure out how to turn that stuff on I guess. :)

I even fixed the a/c so now my duck blind has air conditioning. lol

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  Tcat55371 said:
I live in Princeton, Minnesota and work in Plymouth so you will probably see it coming down the road....



Have to figure out how to turn that stuff on I guess. :)

I even fixed the a/c so now my duck blind has air conditioning. lol

Cool maybe you would be interested in some junkyarding and offroading? A few minor events coming up. Here are the URLs.


Junkyard Run





Play around witn your options under User Control Panel. Click Quick Links on the top right of your screen; its in the middle.


See you around!

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  Tcat55371 said:
I can do better then a closeup. Here is the link for the stuff I did it with. My neighbor is a dealer for it in Anoka. Took 6½ 4x5 sheets to do it. Probably could have been less but I messed up a few times. Mine is the Mossy Oak pattern



whoa ! that stuff isn't cheap!

how much did the whole job cost, if you dont mind me asking?

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Sorry, been gone for a couple days having to work. It took 6 of the 4x5 sheets and my neighbor sells it so I got it for cost. Still could have painted it cheaper. I have around 310.00 in it not counting the fiberglass and bondo. lol


Been getting all kinds of looks. Better get my Magnum Research hand gun sticker in the rear window for the tailgators. lol

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