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Good Brothers have a problem with my transmission ... now.... no hand held ODB was able to connect to the TCU.....  I manually checked the problem by using the power light flashes to determine the trouble code...  the code responded was the line pressure duty solenoid... i replaced that solenoid and the same problem arised . i maunally reset the tcu and ECU via battery pole etc...... the same code keep repeating  saying it is line pressure duty  solenoid. yes the transmission is in field safe mode. now if i start the car... while tumbling  just before the engine starts i put it in reverse and the light stabilizes and its out of field safe mode. if i switch off and start back its good...  but if i leave it off over 5 mins .. start back the power light continues to flash and transmission  is in field safe mode.... what do you professionals think is the problem? 

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yes i did... its ok... now if the transmission is out of field safe mode... i can shake up all the wiring to and from the transmission and nothing happends the light remains stable. when i cross 140kmh the light starts to blink and its on safe mode once more. 

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this sounds like a wiring problem.

is the trans oil pan dented?

that will short out wires inside the pan and cause trouble.


check the large connector at the rear of the engine, passenger side.

check the pins,

look for wire damage,

maybe rodent, mouse damage.

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using a multi meter  i checked all the wires from the from the large connector to the solenoids  jacks inside of the pan.... i got continuity for every wire on every pin.....   ok hear this... when i start the car in park to reverse  the light is stable.. as i touch the peddle like increase the rpm a little  ... the light starts to blink...... 

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