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2001 Liberty/Legacy GX Starting problems

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Hey guys, 


My name's Harry. I'm knew to this site and thought that you fellow Subaru gurus could help me with a problem I have with my old girl.


I have a 2001 Subaru Liberty/Legacy GX wagon that is suffering from starting issues. 


Background info on this is, about 2 months ago the old girl became ever increasingly hard to start. I would turn the key, starter would kick in and it would not fire. At first she would start after a couple of attempts, with a trickling sound coming from behind the dash. About 2 weeks later I was driving the car for about 20 minutes and the temperature shot up to the top. I immediately pulled over and checked the coolant levels and it was bone dry. So after letting the car sit for an hour and half I topped up the coolant at both the radiator and overflow. With this the over-heating and starting problem went away and I was a happy man. 2 weeks after this, she was parked in a garage for a month and half until I could afford rego.


So it's been 1 week since I've been driving again, and what do you know the problem has started to come back and become progressively worse. Once again the car became hard to start, with the trickling sound behind the dash coming back. I drained the battery completely whilst trying to get it started. So I asked a friend to come and jump start me and after about 5 minutes of being connected to his car, my car started. Now since driving home and parking over night, she will not start even after draining the battery and connecting a jump start pack and using some 'start ya bastard' straight into the intake. 


I've checked coolant levels and they're looking fine, I'm stumped and would just like to know if anyone has incurred similar problems, or have any insight to this issue. Also once she does start, idling rough for a about 10 -15 seconds than runs absolutely fine.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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you seem to be fighting 2 or more problems but, I'd suggest you search ' cap.o-ring ' problem and pull the fuel pump for inspection.


leak-down test may also be called for to help confirm bad headgasket.


It's important on Subarus to use an OEM style thermostat so, if the cooling system was serviced before the overheating problem began, maybe check the t'stat?

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