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1981 brat exhaust pipe gasket

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If they are like most other models, remove the nuts, and loosen or remove the bolt from the support bracket near the rear of the transmission. Use something to support the y pipe. I've used the jack so I can lower it slowly. Once the flanges clear the studs, you can put in new gaskets. Check that the studs are all the way in before re assembly. The nuts are to be used to apply the clamping force. Sometimes the threads in the head strip out. I've used heli coils to fix them.

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So I go to spray penetrating oil on the bolts to replace those gaskets tonight and realized there's a missing bolt on each side!!

Do I just get any metric bolt and see if it fits? Or do I just take it to a shop?

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you can buy 10mm x 1.25mm metric studs.  And the nuts for them.  You also should have a flat washer and a lock washer on each one.    They may just be missing, or the may be missing due to stripping out.  Either way, you need the studs.


I wouldn't use a bolt.  The threads strip out easily enough when a stud is all the way bottomed.  A bolt is not bottomed while you are tightening it, and it won't get tight if it is too long.  Either way, even easier to strip.

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That's good to know. I went and got metric bolts but I was worried about stripping stuff. Did a dry run just turning it with my fingers and after 2nd turn it was so tight I had to use a tool to remove it. So is the 10mmx1.25 the correct studs for my 1981 ea81?

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It's been a long time since I had anything before an EA82.  I'm pretty sure my older 76 & 78 used the same studs however.  Those had 1600cc push rod engines.  Used the same studs as EA82, and our 2001 Forester uses the same studs.


10mm x 1.25 x 42mm  The 42 is the length, you have room on that, so don't get hung up on exactly 42.

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Exhaust studs can be found / ordered thru local parts store.   

Remember, the head threads may be stripped out.   If so, a few options remain ....  1 is heli coils - tim serts - or other thread inserts to keep the stock metric threads.    Or second option would be to drill out and tap for SAE 7/16" threads.    Don't quote me on 7/16" ,  I have not done that, but others here have with success.

  Like DaveT said ... don't use bolts.      Do use OEM gaskets.

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I have aftermarket gaskets that's "high grade" and my brother has the new studs shipping out to me. Should have it by Sat. So hopefully I won't have to invest in heli coils. Even though I'll like to have them. I'll check to see if the studs are broken off. Hope it is not. I'll keep you guys updated once I get all the parts. Thanks again!!

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I checked at Cenex Farm Coop yesterday (here in Tillamook).  To my surprise, they had 10 x 1.25 x 42  metric exhaust studs.  

Actually, had alot of metric .... including those metric body screws, like for the corner lights that always seem to be missing.

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I checked at Cenex Farm Coop yesterday (here in Tillamook). To my surprise, they had 10 x 1.25 x 42 metric exhaust studs.

Actually, had alot of metric .... including those metric body screws, like for the corner lights that always seem to be missing.

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