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2nd gen legacy gt Key-less Entry problem!

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   So my friend just picked up a 2nd gen legacy 2.5 and it is having issues with the key less entry, we replaced the positive battery terminal, and checked the spark plugs and ever since then the keyless entry box has been click and causing the car not to start, all electronics work. just not getting signal to the starter.


There is a little orange wire that is dangling with no connector on it, comes from the sensor for the keyless entry i believe and the previous owner told me to touch it to one of the plugs to the box, turn the key to on, unlock the windows,( re-seting the box?)  unplug then the car should start. that failed, so we tried to unplug the negative on the battery terminal for a few mins and give it a go, that failed as well. if anyone could give some advice on how to fix this, would be greatly appreciated. 

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There should be a smal black button somewhere under the dash that has to be pushed while turning the key to On. Usually its just hanging under the the dash, but sometimes it's mounted near the hood release.


I've seen a few that the red indicator for the alarm system is the button and pushing that does the same thing.


If no button,

Try disconnecting the battery -, turn the key to the On position, then reconnect the battery.

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if you have a key fob, lock and unlock it.

or find the ''push button'' under the dash and push it.


but if you want,

you can disconnect the battery and strart over.

this works for all system 90 - 04.


disconnect the battery,

turn the key to start and let go.

reconnect the battery.

turn the key to off.


good to go.

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