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Temperature gauge on dash doesn't move

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95 EJ22 legacy, dash engine temp gauge never moves.


Installed another single wire CTS - no change.

Continuity from sensor connector to engine wiring harness is good.

I grounded the single wire connector to the battery post - no change.


the new (used) sensor could be bad - can I test those?

I'm trying to find the long 12 x 2 black I1 or B36 connector to check continuity from engine to wherever that is - under dash probably.

Edited by grossgary
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Ended up being a bad replacement CTS - installed another and good to go.


Just in case anyone ever needs to check the gauge, which is unlikely...


Instrument cluster dash pins for temp gauge are on the furthest connector to the passengers side - long 13 pin connector.

Pins 9 and 10 counting from the center-side of the cluster towards the passengers side - are for the temp guage.

Put 12 volts on any of the "+" sign bolts on the back of the connector and ground pin 9 and the gauge will jump.

If you do it too quick though the needle will go WAY high and then catch on the gauge face. LOL

Just pop the plastic cover/face off and move it back down with your fingers - it just snaps in place real simple.


That pin 9 is also the pin you check continuity on between it and the CTS connector itself.

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Quick and easy test for a bad ECT sensor.


Remove the wire from the sensor and observe the guage. Ground the wire to the block and see if the guage swings to the other end. If the guage moves all the way through its range, good bet the guage and wiring is fine.


Applies only to single wire sensor.

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