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I have a 2006 Legacy i sedan. The rocker for the driver window on the  switch panel will sometimes move the window but has no spring to it and flops back and forth. Prices for the replacements are nuts, local advanced auto is 398 and ebay shows about 120. Is there a way to repair the switch or is it shot?


I dont have a manual for this car,  will I have to peel the whole door cover off? I tried a few spots and could not get it move at all, it seems glued down. Is there a good starting point to get it off? I have not been able to find any videos on youtube. thank you

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Unfortunately if your switch has broken internal parts (as you describe) it is most likely beyond repair. The only way to tell is to remove the entire switch panel from the door. The plastic surround can be pried off the door panel and the entire switch section will come with it. Pull it up far enough to unclip the two wiring harnesses from underneath.


Then turn the entire piece upside down and unscrew the switch section from its surround.


Then using thin bladed screw drivers or such, pry the circuit board from the body of the switch assembly. You'll see several clip like prongs along the sides of the circuit board that need to be carefully pried away from the circuit board to free it. At that point you should be able to get to the individual switch and judge whether it has any broken parts.


Watch thsi video to get an idea of what I'm referring to: 


Chances are, your best bet will be to take a picture of your switch assembly, and then go through a wrecking yard with Subie wrecks until you find one that looks the same, and buy it and do a swap.


If  a switch quits working, but feels all right, it just needs a cleaning. In cases where the switch feels broken, you have to replace the switch, unless when you have it apart you can find the tiny pieces and put them back together if they're not broken. Good Luck!

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I had a similar problem on my 2000 Outback, I got a Doorman brand replacement for like $35 on Amazon. Though it's probably not the same as a 2006. On the 2000 replacement was super simple, since mine was already popping out a bit anyway I just pried on it and the unit lifted out of the arm rest. Unplugged the old one and plugged in the new one.

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