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Just joined - 2011 Foz from Canyon Country

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30 years old and this Foz is the first adult thing I've ever purchased. I've been going through a rough patch lately and taking this out on the trails is the only thing that's been keeping my mind off things. I originally went to the dealership thinking I could scoop up a 2016 Wrangler Sport for my first real car, but finding a base-model Jeep at a dealership is like looking for a unicorn at a pony show. They showed me a 2008 Forester and I was hesitant but I went home and looked into it and decided it would work for me, even though I'd be settling on it. It was sold out from under me and I thought I had made a huge mistake hesitating, but then this 2011 came in the next day with only 70,000 miles and $100 cheaper, so when I bought it I felt like it was meant to be. Every time I hit the trails I'm shocked how far this can take me. 


So far I've spaced the wheels out 2" each and gotten slightly larger Blizzak WS80 winter tires (which make surprisingly good trail tires by the way). Next will be removing the front sway bar and setting up quick-releases on the rear, and lifting it 2" - once it's taller I'll get some 16" rims and some big Cooper Discover AT3's for shoes. Also thinking of buying an arc welder so I can put together a steel front bumper and increase my entry/exit angles. Then maybe a snorkel, diff breather and some fender flares. Basically I'm trying to turn my Subie into a Subeast





Edited by Resurrect Dead
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Welcome to the USMB!


Yeah, Subaru's can really surprise you on their off-road capabilities.  Check out the off-road forum and there are some old-gen 80's wagons that are lifted and have pretty substantial off-road modifications.


Nice pictures too!

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