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Help needed - Valpo, IN 46383 - Alt installed

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The better half's 98 Outback Alternator went out, the shop says.  The car is back at home and I FedEx a good alternator to Valpo.  It should be there Monday.


Done by a shop for < $90 with the alt I sent.


Thanks, Larry

Edited by lmdew
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I'd edit out your phone number or ask the mods to remove it if it's locked out. It'll never disappear from the internet and if you use the same screen name for everything, it's not difficult to connect the dots. Recently discovered my mom's email address was apparently hacked and up on some Russian site advertising her email as a free email account with password included. Some how her birth date was also attached. Actual site was blocked by my AV software, but everything mentioned was visible from google's list if you searched her email. Rather unsettling to be honest.

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This site isn't the issue, it's the fact it'll never disappear and anyone doing a basic search on google or whatever can have access to it w/o being a member. There are specific other sites that dredge through visible online data and link emails, user names, passwords, etc. and sometimes link your real name to them. From there, it's possible for motivated individuals to gain access to weaker password-protected sites, mine more info, and use that to work into other sites you are a member of (banking, social, personal). Used to be "hackers" would just be mischievous, but now they mine your accounts instead. People that use the same password across multiple sites are at very high risk.



Anyhow, my advice would be to only give that type of info out in private messages with known members, or swap emails in private messages. Can go a step further and use a secondary email account to help reduce future issues. If you've ever sold/bought anything through Craigslist for example, they remove the risk by assigning a temporary email contact.


If you ever want to see what's actually floating about, try googling your own email address, name with the state listed after it, your phone number, etc.

Edited by Bushwick
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