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Ea82 help. Motor overheated now ownt start

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Newbie here. I have an ea82 in a mudboat in south Louisiana and I basically wired and installed it myself (minus the mechanics) the motor was put in by a professional and basically his business is repairing and installing sub's in mudboats so he's good at it. Now I wired everything and took her for a ride the other day and it went fine at about 5mph(we were idleing the whole trip mostly) about half way through the trip I forgot something in my truck and ran wide open to the truck and she did fine there and back but on the way back when I slowed down it overheated and spewed coolant out of the day tank resevoir so I let it cool slowly and put fresh coolant in and she ran the next 3 hours at 180°f and was purring beautifully. on the way back from our trip I opened her up again and was actually pulled back on the throttle a little so my friend could stay with me in his boat and about 3-5 minutes into running I heard a pop noise the motor killed and would not start again. Like I stated I'm a newbie and understand the basics of this engine but I am dumped as to what the problem is. I will remove the thermostat this evening and check my spark but past that I'm out of ideas as to what that pop noise was. There is no water in the oil either so I don't think the issue is huge its just to pin point what it is. So any help and advice would be great right now, duck season opens Saturday in my area and I really don't want to boat hop for too long this year. Thanks

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I hope you figure out the problem.  The guy who set you up with the motor would probably be a good help to you also. 

Also it would be SWEEEET to see some video or even photos of your mudboat!! Sounds awesome and a lot of fun!!

Good luck with the fix and the ducks.

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OK guys thanks for all your suggestions. Last night I checked for spark, pulled a puld out and bright blue spark so I had one for sure and as I was crossing over to check the fuel system and the other plugs I found a random hose in the back of the boat(it was dark when the motor stopped working so couldn't really investigate) but the hose looked burned but wasn't melted almost as if it was friction that caused the indention and hole in the hose but what did it go to? So the only logical thing I could think of that was rotating was the propeller shaft and the belts and the shaft is really far from the motor so I investigated the belt and behold the vaccum advance line on the front of the weber carb was missing. I guess the line was a little to close and wore itself down and eventually the belt ripped the completely off which would explain the low popping noise I heard right as the motor died. So I am assuming this was the problem and I am also assuming that that coughing that was happening was due to the hole that the belt put in the line, but another question fellas. There is a larger hose with some sort of flange attached to it coming off of the oil fill side of the engine that I seen on most ea82s is connected to the flange on the carb and mines is not. I would assume my sub mechanic knew this was not an issue but just curious to you guys's opinion on whether or not I should place it on the carb or not and if you could give me an idea on what any of these hoses I've talked about is I'd appreciate it, I like to learn what I'm fixing rather than just knowing peg a in slot b fixes it. Thanks again guys I'll post pics and possibly a video for you guys too

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Update; still not starting. Connected the vacuum hose to this thing next to the distributer looks like a diafram (looking at an old pic of my motor I seen the hose connected there) I will most probably bring it to a coworkers friends shop to get it looked at BC I'm about 1 more thing gone wrong with this boat before I pull the plug and let it sink lol

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Well if you let it sink, take the motor off first. Did you check the timing belts or not?

I mean considering it's not in a car, all you have to do is remove the bolts and take off the plastic covers and look! And if they're not visibly broken, crank it while you look at the belts and make sure they're both turning.

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You should take a picture of the camshaft sprocket for us to see the damage.

Are you saying that there is no way to reinstall new timing belts?

Camshafts don't really warp...there are many other things that would have happened way before you could have damaged a camshaft due to overheating.

Things aren't really making sense here. You gotta start posting up some pictures.

I can't imagine why you wouldn't be able to just throw some new timing belts on and fire it up. (though if you've got it opened up enough to get to the belts you should replace the tensioners and idler as well.)


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Not sure what that blob of metal is in the cam gear but I bet you could knock it out of there with a screw driver and hammer.


Once you do that, pull the plugs and put a wrench on the crank bolt and see if you can turn it by hand. Disconnect the battery for safety.





On second thought it looks deformed. I would go to jy and get a replacement. 

Edited by MR_Loyale
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