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2000 impreza outback ABS sensor

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I've been doing my darndest to take this ABS sensor out from the backing plate on my imp..  Does anyone have any tips/tricks for the removal of it?  I've obviously removed the bolt, but I can not seem to get this to budge from the backing plate porthole.  I've tried soaking this in pb blaster for the last 4 days. 

Once I get this off, I can then go forward with the wheel bearing replacement.  I have access to a press, but no slide hammer removal tools.


this is the drivers side rear wheel I am referring


thanks,  Joe

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Once they get rusted/seized in place, there is only one real option to remove it, and that generally means to destroy it.


If you're patient and have a set of punches, usually you can get the sensor to rotate by tapping on the housing where the bolt goes through, and work the sensor back and forth over and over and pry out a little each time, then you might be able to get the sensor out. Might also ruin the sensor.

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Got the knuckle and assembly off now. What aftermarket besringss have you folks used on these and had good success. I priced OAM bearings at Subaru as well as Napa and well over $100 I would like to go less expensive so let me know what's out there and what you guys like

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No its not done yet.... lol. Uncle has stage 4 now so I spent some time with him. I did get a chance yesterday to order OEM bearing and seals. 66bucks can ya believe it... free shipping too. Have a friend with a press, so hopefully it'll all be back to operating properly by the beginning of next week. I just can't believe how busy this site is still. I'm in the right place for sure. Thanks for all the help, and I did pull the ABS wire with the knuckle as a complete unit. Gotta love my matco impact. Soaked for days on end and the all bolts spun right off with no real issues. Thanks

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