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Hi everyone!!


Last April I started a project that consists in a full swap between one 1996 gc8 1.8awd and one 1997 gf8 type uk turbo.

In this build, i had to use the type uk full wiring harness, with the problem that some plugs will not arrive to the place they should go pluged, so a lot of cut/enlarge wire work done. I did it wire by wire.

The biggest problem that i found in this project, was the fact that the donor car was already like a frankenstein. The god bits are the 2.5l cosworth engine, the 6mt close ratio gearbox and diff, the td05 turbo, and some more litle up-grade stuff.


A few days ago, i tryed to start it for the first time, things gone badlly bad.. i forgot to connect one main ground to the battery, with the consequence that the car didn't start, and wile trying, another thiny ground wire near the ECU get melted. Fixed.


Now, the car starts. Only for about 4 seconds, then is shutt down.


I had removed the after market Scorpion Immobiliser. Still shutting douwn. I checked the fuel pump, which is working whilling the engine stops. Don't seems to be the problem.


I'll put some photos of the ECU connectors (3 plugs with a 9s ECU). Not shure if the changed wires was because of the immobiliser or because the apexi fcc that the previous owner where runing before.


I had searching a lot of info about this ecu and plug pinout, and i'm not abble to find it. That will put the things much more easy for me. Some 3 plugs diagrams i had found, don't seems to match with my wires, when i check for the colors. I'm really lost.










And this is a little of the project photos:


Donor car




Receptor car









Well, let's see if i've got some luck and some ligth shine on.


Thanks to all


pd: sorry, bad english :unsure:

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if you start it and simultaneously have someone begin spraying starter fluid in the intake - will it continue to run?


if so, fueling issue, if not, ignition/electrical or air.


I'm no expert and certainly your project is beyond my abilities but, one easy thing that can happen on many cars that fail to start after some repair work is disturbing the idle air hose or issues with the IACV.

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